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Net Neutrality is dead. Long live Net Neutrality

The FCC’s rules change eliminating Net Neutrality went into effect yesterday.  Captain James, Quartermaster Joseph and Activism Director Sam discuss the fight for Net Neutrality in our latest Pirate News.

The Senate voted to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to have Congress to overrule the FCC. The House has not yet voted. To urge your House Representative vote for it, go to

Should that effort fail, there are two other approaches: creating a local alternative and changing state laws.

The Massachusetts Mesh Network is starting a community internet service provider (ISP) that cares about Net Neutrality and your privacy. They hold weekly tech meetups every Tuesday, 7-9pm at Industry Lab, 288 Norfolk St, Cambridge. If you want to help out, please join the discussion list. You can sign up at You can find them at

States are attempting to restore Net Neutrality locally. Washington state is the first, but other states are also passing laws. In Massachusetts there are a number of bills:

Do these bills go far enough? Tells us what you think in the comments below.

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