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Mass Pirates To Organize December 17th Vigil for Sex Worker Rights and Safety

December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. Each year, sex workers and their allies gather in events around the globe to mourn those lost to violence, and to renew their commitment to greater rights and safety for all sex workers.

Here in Boston, the Massachusetts Pirate Party has taken the initiative to organize a vigil around that day. This follows the Party endorsing full decriminalization for consensual sex work, and support for the sex worker community. Tentatively, we’re looking to hold this on Sunday night 12/16/2018 in front of a government building, to bring home the message that sex workers deserve the same rights and protections as other workers in the Commonwealth. Possible locations include:

  • Boston Police headquarters
  • The Massachusetts State House
  • Offices of Attorney General Maura Healey

Anyone wishing to help with planning and logistics, please contact Desmond Ravenstone at

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