Election Reform Main Topic Take Action

Two weeks to get RCV on the ballot!

We are in the last two weeks of the campaign to get Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) on the November 3rd, 2020 ballot. In order to earn RCV a place on the November 3, 2020 ballot, the people must submit a second round of 13,374 valid signatures by June 17. They have made great progress in gathering signatures digitally, but more are always needed to survive a challenge. if you haven’t signed, please sign the RCV petition electronically from home. The Massachusetts Pirate Party supports RCV and we are proud to be part of this historic effort to give a stronger voice and more choice to voters.

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) allows voters to rank the candidates on the ballot by order of their preference. RCV requires the winner to win with a majority of the vote rather simply the most votes. It will ensure that Pirate Party candidates won’t be labeled spoilers and will help us and other third parties gain voters and supporters. It is one step to bring true multiparty democracy to Massachusetts.

We hope you will take a minute to sign the RCV petition right now by clicking here, and please share this URL with your friends and family (sign.voterchoice2020.org). Nothing like this has ever been done before, but with your help we can make history together.

If you would like to get involved to help safely gather signatures from your friends and neighbors, the campaign has the tools and training to support you. Please sign up here, or contact Brian Bass, Organizing Director for the RCV campaign, at brian@voterchoice2020.org. Tell them you’re a Pirate.

Image credit: James O’Keefe. Image is released into the Public Domain.

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