Elections Main Topic

Vote Pirate Today!

Noe and Joe at the State House

Today, November 4th, is election day.  Polls are open from 7am to 8pm.  For our two state rep. candidates it will be the end of their campaigns.

Last Friday Joe Guertin participated in a debate with both of his opponents.  Noelani Kamelamela and her crew leafleted up a storm in her district.  Both Joe & Noe were on WEMF’s Young Jurks show a week ago.  Because of their campaigns, the Pirate Party has been in the Boston Globe and other news sites recently.

If you live in Bellingham, Blackstone, Millville, or Uxbridge, please vote for Joe.  If you live in Somerville, please vote for Noelani.

Whether you live in their district or near them, please give them a hand.  It isn’t too late to help.


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