Main Topic TPP

Stop FastTrack This Week!

TPP: Why so secret?

Already oppose Fast Track, TPP & TTIP? Help stop them!

The House is likely to vote on Fast Track Trade Authority (FTTA) this week, possibly tomorrow.  We can stop this bill, but every vote counts!

Wikileaks leaked seventeen documents for the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA).  It aims to deregulate service industries for the benefit of corporations.  One provision would prevent governments from using Free Software:

“No Party may require the transfer of, or access to, source code of software owned by a person of another Party, as a condition of providing services related to such software in its territory.”

If passed, agreements like TISA, TPP & TTIP would enshrine some of the worst proposals corporations and the entertainment industry have put forward. These treaties would criminalize copyright infringement and include:

  • Stronger DRM and “technological protection measure” regimes;
  • Make ISPs liable for copyright infringement on their networks;
  • Implement a “take it down first, argue later” DMCA-like process for notifying copyright infringements;
  • allow corporations to patent plants and animals;
  • potentially ban you from selling a product you bought abroad.

These trade agreements would put in place or expand Investor State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) that allow corporations to challenge our laws if they at all hinder their present or potential profits. It has already happened in AustraliaCanada, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Guatemala. With TiSA, TPP and TTIP, we will be next.

Call your House Rep. and tell them to oppose Fast Track

Now is the time to tell your Congressperson that they must oppose Fast Track. To find out who represents you in the House of Representatives, please visit Where Do I Vote MA and enter your address.  Be sure to tell your friends in other states to call their reps!

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