Governor Baker signed S.2015 and chose to take away the property rights of people who have been illegally foreclosed on. Advocates of S.2015 say it will clear titles to foreclosed properties. In reality it will reduce the time someone has to challenge the legality of their foreclosure from 20 years to just one.
From banksters making up paperwork such as titles and deeds in the robosigning scandals to Florida’s rocket dockets, the deck has been stacked against people challenging illegal foreclosures. Now the legislature and governor have made their struggle to keep their houses even more difficult.
This fight isn’t over and we will work with MAAPL to build their website that will be used to defend Massachusetts’ families against illegal foreclosure.
From banksters making up paperwork such as titles and deeds in the robosigning scandals to Florida’s rocket dockets, the deck has been stacked against people challenging illegal foreclosures. Now the legislature and governor have made their struggle to keep their houses even more difficult.
This fight isn’t over and we will work with MAAPL to build their website that will be used to defend Massachusetts’ families against illegal foreclosure.