A belated thank you for the pirates who marched with us in the Boston Pride Parade this year, to the organizers of the parade, and the thousands of people who marched in it or came out for it.
We are looking forward to our upcoming events including Aaron James’ campaign for State Representative, PirateCon this weekend, a Western Mass. cryptoparty and Freedom Rally. Here are a few pictures from the parade. More are also available or all of them.

A belated thank you for the pirates who marched with us in the Boston Pride Parade this year, to the organizers of the parade, and the thousands of people who marched in it or came out for it.
We are looking forward to our upcoming events including Aaron James’ campaign for State Representative, PirateCon this weekend, a Western Mass. cryptoparty and Freedom Rally. Here are a few pictures from the parade. More are also available or all of them.