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Annoy Legislators for Freedom Video Posted

On March 24, Alex Marthews, National Director of Restore the 4th, talked about how the Massachusetts legislature really works and how we can hack it to get Pirate-friendly bills further.

The Massachusetts Legislature has thousands of bills to consider.  Quite a few are of interest to Pirates including whether to give millions of dollars in subsidies to video game companies, revising the cannabis legalization law passed by voters, or defining standards for police body cameras.

Yet, most bills never even have a committee vote, nevermind get to a floor vote.  The power of the leadership of the legislature is extreme and it isn’t democratic. The legislature doesn’t work the way you were taught in your high school civics textbooks.

Alex lays bare the inner workings of the legislature. We hope you find this talk informative.

Thanks to Encuentro 5 for hosting.

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2 comments on “Annoy Legislators for Freedom Video Posted

  1. Captain Peter Cooper


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