The for-profit prison industry lies at the heart of all the problems plaguing our society. With a financial incentive to criminalize their populace, a government enacts harsher laws, instructs police to gather up “undesirables,” and makes felons of the working class. As long as the rich can profit from your arrest, there will be no social progress, no increase in freedom, no reprieve from police brutality until we put an end to this.
If you can, it is vitally important that you come to Boston on August 4th to protest the American Correctional Association’s yearly convention and face down those who would grow richer from your imprisonment. Carpool, bus, train, walk, whatever it takes, this is your opportunity to stare fascism in the face and tell it to get the hell out of our state!
This action begins at 1:30 at the Boston Public Library steps, Sunday, August 4th. Meet us there and let’s show our community that we have their back!
Thanks to Deeper Than Water for the chain link fence image.
The for-profit prison industry lies at the heart of all the problems plaguing our society. With a financial incentive to criminalize their populace, a government enacts harsher laws, instructs police to gather up “undesirables,” and makes felons of the working class. As long as the rich can profit from your arrest, there will be no social progress, no increase in freedom, no reprieve from police brutality until we put an end to this.
If you can, it is vitally important that you come to Boston on August 4th to protest the American Correctional Association’s yearly convention and face down those who would grow richer from your imprisonment. Carpool, bus, train, walk, whatever it takes, this is your opportunity to stare fascism in the face and tell it to get the hell out of our state!
This action begins at 1:30 at the Boston Public Library steps, Sunday, August 4th. Meet us there and let’s show our community that we have their back!
Thanks to Deeper Than Water for the chain link fence image.