Main Topic Right to Repair

Digital Right to Repair Needs Your Call

The Digital Right to Repair bills (S.107 & H.218) made it out of committee and will go before the Massachusetts Senate next. Now is the time to call your state senators and representatives to urge them to support it.

We know that Apple, John Deere and other hardware manufacturers will pull out the stops to make sure they prevent us from having a digital right to repair. They stand to lose billions of dollars if you can get your phone repaired at an independent shop, rather than pay their jacked up prices or buy a new phone. A digital right of repair will make sure that you really own the devices you purchase and will keep thousands of electronic devices from becoming e-waste.

The people at iFixit have set up a free call tool where you can put in your phone number and zip and it will dial for you. Even better, it doesn’t log the numbers either. Just go to, scroll down to the Make your voice heard section, fill out the form and it will call you to connect you with your state legislator. Tell them you support the Digital Right to Repair bills (S.107 & H.218) and they should too!


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1 comment on “Digital Right to Repair Needs Your Call

  1. I gave these “Right to Repair Bills to the state house I personally delivered it to Sal De’Amato.
    Business do not have to list there phone numbers and the more they can find of our personnel data the more they spam call us! Businesses spam out mailboxes so much their is not room for our actual mail! What to do about this!?
    google rips off personal data from people without permission or even worse sometimes google is the only form provider choice that an individual has to choose from! I have no rights anymore!

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