Fun and Games Organizing Out And About

No IRC chat today, Quartermaster elected, upcoming events

In remembrance of Independence Day, we will not be holding our weekly IRC chat tonight and will continue them next Monday, July 11th, at 9:30pm.

Meet your new Quartermaster

At our last weekly IRC meeting, we elected acting Quatermaster David Hardwick of Wakefield.  Now that we have a quartermaster, we are filing with Massachusetts’ Office of Campaign and Political Finance so that we can take loot from individuals who wish to contribute to our efforts.

Just as with our Captain and First Officer, all of our officers will serve until we hold elections under the new Articles of Agreement.  We also have openings on the Pirate Council, so if you are interested, please contact us.  We welcome your comments and help.

Summer Fun

On Saturday, July 16th, 1-3pm, we will be handing out flyers and signing up new pirates at Art Beat in Somerville.  Art Beat is a long-running arts festival in Somerville and it will be a good place to tell folks about the Pirate Party.  If you want to help us out please email us at or sign up at our Facebook event.

On Saturday, July 23rd, noon-6pm, we are joining with Boston Freedom of Information to host the 2011 Pirate Picnic on George’s Island in Boston Harbor.  We will be taking the noon ferry from the Boston Long Wharf-North landing and will be there until 6pm.  We will have a picnic, games, costume contests, as well political discussion and trainings.

NOTE: Boston Freedom of Information made these handy fliers that folks can give to friends and strangers.

We want to know what activities you want to see so either tells on our Facebook event page or email us at  Please tell us if you will be at the picnic so we can get a head count.  It will be a great afternoon of geek politics, activism, and fun.  We hope you can make it!

Can’t make these events…

… but want to help?  Visit our Help Build the Party page for info on common questions about our issues, an organizing guide, and our latest flyer.  Don’t see something you need? Just send us email at

Update on the PROTECT IP Act

The PROTECT IP Act has not advanced, thankfully, and from what we have found out, no Representative or Senator has announced they are supporting or opposing the bill.  If you haven’t contacted your Representative or Senator yet, please visit our recent post on it for how you can do so and spread the word to your friends.


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