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A Good Weekend

Noe and Joe at the State House

It was a busy weekend, but a good weekend. Members of the Massachusetts Pirate Party took part in three events: the March Against Monsanto, the 2nd Boston Security Meetup, and an interview with The Young Jurks on WEMF Radio.

March Against Monsanto. We marched to the State House and Copley Square with Pirate literature and a large Pirate sign. Many members of diverse political parties were in attendance including Socialist Alternative, Green-Rainbow, and We The People. Approximately 3,000 people participated, and the entire event clocked in at around five hours. We’ll continue to participate in events that rally against corporate excess, especially corporations like Monsanto who abuse IP law flagrantly.

Boston Security Meetup. Captain James gave a talk called How Dare You Molest the Sea, to an audience of pirates, ninjas, and other security-minded folk.

The Young Jurks. Noe and Joe ended the day with an interview on WEMF’s The Young Jurks. You can watch the interview at

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