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No CISA: Call Senators Warren & Markey Now

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CISA, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, is expected to come up this afternoon for a vote in the Senate. Please call Sen. Warren at 202-224-4543, and Sen. Markey at 202-224-2742 and tell them to vote NO!

CISA is a surveillance bill that would immunize corporations from liability if they share your personal data with the government.   Specifically it allows companies to automatically and simultaneously transfer your data to the DHS, NSA, FBI,  and local police with all of your personally-indentifying information.  They would be legally immune from you suing to prevent them from sharing your data.  Also, you won’t be able to use the Freedom of Information Act to find out what they shared and with whom.

Putting that data in once place will be a great target for malicious hackers and will be an OPM breach in the making.

Call Sen. Warren at 202-224-4543, and Sen. Markey at 202-224-2742 and tell them to vote NO on CISA now!

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