Main Topic Out And About Transparency

Chelsea Manning Getting Out Party, Wed., May 17, 7:00pm, Somerville

What: Pot-luck celebration and fund-raiser for Chelsea Manning on the day of her release from prison
When: Wednesday, May 17, 7:00pm
Where: 14 William St, Somerville (close to Davis Sq subway – up College Ave 4 blocks)

Contact Susan McLucas, SusanBMcL at gmail dot com or (617) 776-6524

Chelsea Manning, the WikiLeaks whistle blower who has spent 7 years in jail for telling the truth about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is getting out on May 17. We will celebrate the happy occasion and also pass the hat to raise money to help her start her new life on the outside.

Chelsea Manning was sentenced to 35 years for releasing classified documents that truly portrayed the nature of US wars and other foreign policy. Obama commuted her sentence before leaving office to 7 years. Even that shorter sentence is the longest a whistle blower has ever served.

If it’s easy, bring a dish to share. You can check in with Susan, if you know what you’ll bring, but you don’t have to. If it’s not convenient to bring something, come in any case. There aren’t too many causes for celebration in the political sphere these days and we should take advantage of any such occasion.

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