Due to events outside of our control, we must cancel today’s Worcester surveillance camera mapping outing. We are sorry we cannot gather today and we will reschedule it for a later date.
We posted instructions for how to use several camera mapping apps on your phone. You will need to create a free Open Street Map account before adding to Open Street Map.
Check out the cameras we have identified at our surveillance camera map at cctv.masspirates.org.
We hope you have a wonderful week!
Due to events outside of our control, we must cancel today’s Worcester surveillance camera mapping outing. We are sorry we cannot gather today and we will reschedule it for a later date.
We posted instructions for how to use several camera mapping apps on your phone. You will need to create a free Open Street Map account before adding to Open Street Map.
Check out the cameras we have identified at our surveillance camera map at cctv.masspirates.org.
We hope you have a wonderful week!