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Party conference in 5 days

Our annual party conference is this Saturday, September 21st at Encuentro 5 in Boston.  The conference will focus on planning, expanding our platform and organizing how-tos. Formal sessions will start at 10am and end around 5:30pm. We plan to video stream the conference. The schedule is:

9:00am-10:00amBreakfast, Meet & Greet
10:00am-10:30amYear in Review / Where We Stand as a Party?
10:30am-11:15amMassMesh: Building a People’s Internet
11:15am-noonBuilding a Just Economy: Universal Basic iIncome, Job Guarantee and Other Alternatives
noon-1:00pmLunch & Crypto How-To
1:00pm-1:45pmSurveillance in Our Neighborhoods: RING DOORBELLS – What Can We Do?
1:45pm-3:00pmPlatform Development, Part 1
3:00pm-3:30pmLightning Talks
3:30pm-4:45pmPlatform Development, Part 2
4:45pm-5:30pmWhat Should be Our Plan for 2020?

Registration is $10. You can pay in advance or just tell us you will attend if you prefer to pay at the door. Youth under 18 and anyone who is not a citizen or permanent resident are free due to campaign finance rules.

Encuentro 5 is at 9A Hamilton Place, Boston, MA 02108-4701. It is in downtown Boston near the State House and easily accessible by public transit. Only a minute walk away from the Park Street MBTA station, it is at the intersection of the Red and Green lines. It is a few stops away from the commuter rail and Amtrak stations and the South Station Bus Terminal. Unfortunately, it is not wheelchair accessible.

Conference/talk details and updates are up at the Party Conference page. If you can help run the conference, email us at

Also, please share the Facebook event to anyone you think would be interested in it.

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