by jokeefe February 2, 2013 Privacy Transparency TSA out of the MBTA & other actions today (February 2, 2013) The TSA out of the MBTA action kicks off soon. Hope you can make it. I’ll be on The Two Hotheads show on…
by jokeefe January 30, 2013 Out And About Privacy Keep the TSA out of the MBTA this Saturday (January 30, 2013) We are supporting the TSA out of the MBTA Day of Action on Saturday, Feb. 2nd. We will gather to demand an end…
by masspirates November 5, 2012 Elections Privacy Transparency Our 2012 ballot question endorsements (November 5, 2012) At our last IRC meeting we endorsed the three statewide ballot questions. Our statement for each question is below: Ballot Question 1 –…
by masspirates November 3, 2012 Privacy Videos from Boston CryptoParty Available (November 3, 2012) The Boston CryptoParty was a success with over 50 people participating in it. We recorded most of the talks, but haven’t processed them…
by masspirates October 16, 2012 Privacy CryptoParty This Sunday, the 21st, noon-6pm (October 16, 2012) Do you practice safe sex? Learn the digital equivalent. The government routinely spies on us without warrants. Come learn how to protect yourself.…
by masspirates September 20, 2012 Privacy CryptoParty coming to Boston (September 20, 2012) Various folks, including members of the Mass. Pirates, will hold a CryptoParty on Sunday, Oct. 21 from noon-6pm. It will be held at…
by masspirates August 2, 2012 Privacy Cybersecurity Act of 2012 Fails in Senate! (August 2, 2012) Earlier today, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 failed in the Senate! A huge thank you to all of you who emailed and called…
by masspirates August 2, 2012 Privacy Like your privacy? Time to say so (August 2, 2012) TechDirt is reporting that the Senate will vote on the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (S.3414) by the end of this week. Senate Majority…
by masspirates July 25, 2012 Privacy Senate CISPA Up For A Vote This Week, Help Stop it! (July 25, 2012) It looks like this week the Senate will be voting on the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (S 3414). This bill is the Senate…
by jokeefe April 26, 2012 Freedom of Speech Privacy House Passes CISPA, Tell Senate to Save Your Privacy! (April 26, 2012) Today, the House of Representatives passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) by a vote of 248 to 168. Unfortunately, which…