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The copyright censors won in the EU. But the fight continues

Today the European Parliament voted for the Link Tax 393 to 279 and for Upload Filters 366 to 297.   Additionally, in the EU, no one but the organizer of a sports event will have the right to make available (publish, share, present), reproduce or record it.

Thank you for reaching out to your family and friends to try to stop these bills from becoming law.

The copyright censors won this battle and, based on a very recent proposal by the European Commission to require that web sites monitor their comments to remove any terrorist speech, EU elites are already planning to expand on their censorship tools.  Julia Reda, Pirate Party MEP, points out that there will be another vote in the Spring and that this particular fight isn’t over yet.

The US has its own efforts to censor free speech whether the passage of FOSTA or NAFTA 2.0’s ISP upload filters. Censorship is on the march and we need your help to fight it.

Here are four ways you can help support human rights and freedom of expression:


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