by masspirates August 16, 2014 Main Topic Out And About Summer nearly over, Fall beckons (August 16, 2014) The Summer, and what a short one it has been, is nearly over. We had a great time marching in this year’s Boston…
by masspirates July 31, 2014 Civil Liberties Main Topic Today: Tell the House to support the Electronic Privacy Act (July 31, 2014) The legislative session ends at midnight tonight, and the Massachusetts House has not yet passed the Electronic Privacy Act (S.2299) giving warrant protection…
by masspirates July 25, 2014 Fun and Games Main Topic Organizing Pirate Picnic, August 10th (July 25, 2014) On Sunday, August 10th, we will hold the annual Pirate Picnic on Georges Island in Boston Harbor. It is our annual strategy social.…
by masspirates June 11, 2014 Civil Liberties Main Topic Out And About This Sat. march with us in the Boston Pride Parade! (June 11, 2014) UPDATE: Our lineup position is G23, which is at 800 Boylston Street. It should be near the Prudential Center Plaza which is to the…
by masspirates June 6, 2014 Fun and Games Issues Main Topic Out And About Social & Platform Discussion, June 21st (June 6, 2014) Our next social / platform discussion will be on Saturday, June 21st from 2-4pm. We will be at the Pizzeria Regina, 353 Cambridge…
by masspirates June 4, 2014 Elections Main Topic On-Line Voter Registration is Law! (June 4, 2014) On May 22nd, the Governor Patrick signed a bill that brings voting into the 21st century. The law allows voters to register to vote…
by masspirates June 3, 2014 Civil Liberties Main Topic Out And About March with us at the Pride Parade, June 14th (June 3, 2014) On Saturday, June 14th, we will march in the Boston LBGT Pride Parade. This is our third year marching in it. Joe & Noelani,…
by masspirates May 22, 2014 Elections Main Topic Press Massachusetts Pirate Party Fields First Two Candidates (May 22, 2014) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Massachusetts Pirate Party Fields First Two Candidates Boston, MA — May 22nd, 2014 – Noelani Kamelamela and Joseph Guertin, the…
by masspirates May 9, 2014 Fun and Games Main Topic 4th Anniversary Party Tonight (May 9, 2014) Our 4th anniversary party is tonight, Friday, May 9th. It will be at the Democracy Center, 45 Mt Auburn St., Harvard Square, Cambridge,…
by masspirates May 8, 2014 Main Topic Net Neutrality Support Innovation: Keep Net Neutrality! (May 8, 2014) The FCC is a week away from deciding to kill net neutrality by allowing ISPs to create fast lanes for favored companies and slow lanes for…