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Pirate News: Got Encryption? (August 15, 2022)
Joe, Steve and James discuss what is going on with the Pirate Party and recent news from a Pirate perspective especially Facebook helping…
Pirate News: The Steamy Pirate (August 8, 2022)
Joe, Steve and James go over what is going on with the Pirate Party and recent news from a Pirate perspective. We discussed…
Pirate News: Boston Rambling (August 3, 2022)
A few weeks ago, Steve and James discussed what else we have been doing including the Boston Bike Party and’s table at…
August member meetings (August 2, 2022)
We have a number of upcoming video/in-person meetings we hope you will join us at: Boston-area member meeting, Saturday, 8/13, noon-2pm at Member…
Pirate News: Building Local Transparency (August 1, 2022)
Joe, Steve and James discuss an easy way you can keep others updated about what your local government is doing, as well as…
Tell the MA Senate to End Face Surveillance! (July 30, 2022)
The Massachusetts Judiciary Committee recently advanced legislation to implement the recommendations of the Special Commission on Facial Recognition Technology to further limit such…
Art is for Everyone! Plank Adopted (July 15, 2022)
We are taking a break from updating our platform while we work on organizing for local elections next year, but here is our…
Pirate News: Leaks all the way down! (July 11, 2022)
On this week’s Pirate News, Steve and James discuss what is going on with the Pirate Party and recent news from a Pirate…
Reproductive Freedom Remains a Human Right! (June 24, 2022)
The Supreme Court voted 6-3 to allow states to ban abortion. This ruling is ahistorical bullshit from start to finish that lays waste…
Saturday: March with us for Trans Resistance! (June 23, 2022)
Reactionaries continue to expand their attack on trans rights. They have gone after the right of teens to control their bodies and aim…