by jokeefe June 13, 2015 Civil Liberties Main Topic Out And About Pride Parade Today! (June 13, 2015) Today we will march in the Boston LBGTQ Pride Parade. This is our fourth year marching in it and we want you to…
by masspirates June 12, 2015 Civil Liberties Freedom of Speech Main Topic Out And About Boston Pride Parade Tomorrow (June 12, 2015) UPDATE: Saturday, we are assembling in Section I, position 7, staging at 907 Boylston Street which should be in front of The Pour…
by masspirates June 9, 2015 Civil Liberties Freedom of Speech Main Topic Out And About Friday, Pride Parade Sign Making Party (June 9, 2015) This Friday, we make signs to hold up as we march in the Boston LBGTQ Pride Parade. It will start at 6:30pm at 25 Moore…
by masspirates May 31, 2015 Main Topic Out And About Privacy TODAY: Pirates speaking at Left Forum (May 31, 2015) Today, Pirates from the Massachusetts and New York Pirate Parties will be speaking at Left Forum at the John Jay College of Criminal…
by masspirates May 18, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Privacy Somerville Cryptoparty this Thursday (May 18, 2015) Halley Murray, our new PR/Media Director, has been running cryptoparties at Parts & Crafts in Somerville for the last two months. She will…
by masspirates May 16, 2015 Civil Liberties Main Topic Out And About March with us at the Boston Pride Parade, June 13th (May 16, 2015) On Saturday, June 13th, we will march in the Boston LBGT Pride Parade. This is our fourth year marching in it. We want you…
by masspirates May 14, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Privacy Together Boston Cryptoparty this Sunday (May 14, 2015) We are again running a cryptoparty for the Together Boston music festival on Sunday, May 17th. Danger!Awesome, a maker space, will be hosting…
by masspirates April 29, 2015 Main Topic Organizing Out And About #PirateCon2015: Thanks and welcome new Pirate Council members! (April 29, 2015) Thanks to everyone who participated in Pirate Con 2015 last Saturday! It was great of Evan Greer of Fight for the Future to…
by jokeefe April 12, 2015 Main Topic Out And About PirateCon Posters Available (April 12, 2015) We have some PirateCon 2015 posters you can print out and put up in your city, town or campus. Both are PDFs. Thanks…
by jokeefe April 8, 2015 Issues Main Topic Out And About Rick Falkvinge will speak at PirateCon (April 8, 2015) Rick Falkvinge, founder and first leader of the Swedish Pirate Party, will speak at our party conference on April 25th. Registration is open.…