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Welcome First Officer Noelani! (January 14, 2015)
We elected Noelani Kamelamela as our First Officer at last Thursday’s IRC Meeting. You can reach her We have additional open positions.…
Slides from Saturday’s Cryptoparty (January 14, 2015)
Here are the slides from last Saturday’s cryptoparty at the Somerville Public Library: Securing your Email with GnuPG Using Tor to Surf Anonymously…
CISPA is Back (January 13, 2015)
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) bill is back. We were able to kill it in 2012, but the recent Sony…
Aaron Swartz Vigil Today, 4pm (January 12, 2015)
We endorsed and will be at the Aaron Swartz Vigil today. It starts at 4pm and will be at Dewey Square in downtown…
What’s in Your DEA FOIA File? (January 11, 2015)
A couple of months ago, I filed a FOIA request with the DEA, for their user manuals and training materials, relating to the…
Join the Pirate Council! (January 4, 2015)
I am sorry to announce that Lucia Fiero and Kendra Moyer have decided to step down from their positions as First Officer and…
Aaron Swartz Vigil, Monday, Jan. 12th (January 2, 2015)
We voted to endorse the Aaron Swartz Vigil on Monday, January 12th. Aaron was an activist dedicated to the Internet, freedom and transparency. …
Select the date for our Worcester planning meeting (January 2, 2015)
Last December we were forced to postpone our Worcester planning meeting. Please vote for when would you like to see the meeting rescheduled. …
Upcoming Cryptoparties (January 1, 2015)
After a long hiatus, we have four cryptoparties coming up in the next two months. On Saturday, Jan. 10th, 11am-3pm, there is a…
Nope, No Public Records Enforcement Here (December 31, 2014)
Before last November’s election, the Bay State Examiner did a story about a debate between candidates for Secretary of the Commonwealth. One of…