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Posted Stranger Danger Talk Video (March 29, 2012)
We continue to release videos of our conference talks. Conor Sherman’s Stranger Danger talk is the latest at our Youtube page. We also…
Some Conference Videos Available (March 23, 2012)
Processing the videos of the conference is taking a bit of time, unfortunately, but Erik has been toiling away. Thankfully, his efforts have…
The Party of Open? (March 23, 2012)
We recently started a discussion about how we can better communicate our positions and goals. David Hardwick suggested that we be the party…
Conference Slides Decks Posted (March 19, 2012)
Thanks to everyone who attended our conference, especially the speakers and volunteers. A number of speakers gave permission for us to post the…
Stop H.2842! (February 28, 2012)
We sent the following testimony on H.2842, a bill before the Massachusetts Legislature. We believe that H.2842 would hurt Massachusetts businesses, harm open…
Conference Schedule Available (February 25, 2012)
You can preregister for the conference by making a contribution of $5 or more. We have finished the conference schedule: Time Event 9:00am-9:45am Breakfast…
Conference Movie Festival Moved to May 12th, Jared Ball to Speak (February 24, 2012)
Due to an unexpected scheduling conflict, we will have to end our March 10th conference at 6pm. As such, we will not be able…
March 10th Conference Talk Lineup – Register Today (February 16, 2012)
You can register by making a contribution of $5 or more. We are putting the finishing touches on the schedule for our March 10th Pirate…
Help Stop the ACTA! (February 10, 2012)
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a treaty that the US government worked on in secret with other countries to bring the US’ draconian copyright…
In-person meeting this Sunday, 2pm-4pm (February 3, 2012)
It may be the Superbowl on Sunday, February 5th, but well before kick off, we will be holding our (generally) monthly in-person meeting.…