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Four Good Bills and One Bad Bill (February 3, 2024)
Thanks to everyone who helped with the Location Shield Act (H.357 / S.148) week of action. NBC Boston, Telemundo (en Español) and the Transcript &…
Tomorrow: Winter Conference (February 2, 2024)
Our Winter Conference is tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 3rd, noon-4pm. It will be on-line at our Community Bridge Big Blue Button room. No registration…
Tonight: Member Meeting (February 1, 2024)
Tonight, Feb. 1st, at 9pm Eastern is our regular member video meeting. To participate: Summaries of the meetings and agendas are at our wiki.…
This Saturday: Winter Conference (January 31, 2024)
Our Winter Conference is Saturday, Feb. 3rd, noon-4pm. It will be on-line at our Community Bridge Big Blue Button room. No registration is…
Pirate News: NSA Buys Data On You (January 30, 2024)
Steve and James discuss the NSA buying using data brokers to spy on us, Milton residents opposing Commonwealth mandates for zoning for density,…
Saturday: Winter Conference (January 28, 2024)
Our Winter Conference is Saturday, Feb. 3rd, noon-4pm. It will be on-line at our Community Bridge Big Blue Button room. No registration is…
Winter Conference, Feb. 3rd, noon-4pm (January 26, 2024)
Our Winter Conference will be Feb. 3rd, noon-4pm. It will be on-line at our Community Bridge Big Blue Button room. The schedule is:
Nominations Close Today (January 25, 2024)
We will elect our Pirate Council as part of our Winter conference. Positions include Captain, First Officer, Quartermaster, PR/Media Director, Activism Director, Swarmwise Director, Web/Info…
Calls Needed for the Location Shield Act (January 24, 2024)
The Location Shield Act (H.357/S.148) will ban data brokers from buying and selling the location data collected on us. Which is why we…
Tonight, New Dinner with Miles Whiticker, President, Australian Pirates (January 19, 2024)
Miles Whiticker, President of the Australian Pirate Party, is in Massachusetts and we are taking him to dinner tonight at UNO Pizzeria &…