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Pirate Picnic, Sunday, August 7th (July 18, 2016)
The annual Pirate Picnic will be Sunday, August 7th, on Georges Island in Boston Harbor. It is our Summer social. It is a…
Somerville Crytoparty, Wed., 7/27 (July 18, 2016)
The next monthly Parts & Crafts cryptoparty will be Wednesday, July 27th. It will be from 6-9pm, and will be at 577 Somerville…
Black Lives and the Dangers of Policing (July 17, 2016)
It’s been a rough two weeks. Alton Sterling was killed by a police officer in Baton Rouge, LA while hustling CDs outside a…
Pirate Podcasts: Episode 2 – What you can do as a town meeting member (July 16, 2016)
Welcome to episode #2 of the Pirate Podcasts, which was recorded at PirateCon 2016. In this edition, Steve Revilak (Pirate Party Quartermaster and…
Cryptoparties Saturday & Wednesday (July 15, 2016)
The Somerville Public Library will put on a cryptoparty on Saturday, July 16th from noon to 4:45pm. It will be at the Somerville…
Giving up our rights does not make us safer (July 15, 2016)
Our hearts go out to the people of Nice after the horrible attack there. Whether it is Baghdad, Orlando, Dallas or Dhaka, single…
Stop Massachusetts from giving the middle finger to victims of police violence (July 12, 2016)
With the recent shooting of police officers and civilians in Dallas fresh in our mind, Governor Baker is trying to rush through a knee-jerk response.…
IRC Meetings are now Tuesday Nights (July 11, 2016)
We moved our weekly IRC meeting to every Tuesday, 9-10pm. To join: Go to Fill out the web form with the Nickname of…
Pirate Podcasts: Vol 1 (July 10, 2016)
Aaron James is the Massachusetts Pirate Party’s candidate for state legislature in the 27th Middlesex district. Listen to Aaron give the keynote talk…
July 16th Cryptoparty, Somerville Public Library (July 6, 2016)
Pirates will help the Somerville Public Library put on a cryptoparty on Saturday, July 16th from noon to 4:45pm. The Somerville Public Library…