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NSA: Sorry, no Jetplow Exploit here (November 28, 2015)
About a year ago, Der Spiegel posted excerpts of the NSA’s ANT (Advanced Networking Technology) catalog. Essentially, it’s a little catalog full of…
Putting Paris in Perspective (November 27, 2015)
On Friday November 13th a group of armed fellows shot up, and attempted to blow up parts of Paris. In the process, they…
Tonight’s Cryptoparty is canceled (November 25, 2015)
The Somerville cryptoparty scheduled for tonight has been canceled due to illness. Keep an eye out here or at for when the next one will…
Urgent: Stop banksters from stealing people’s houses! (November 23, 2015)
The Massachusetts House and Senate passed S.2057/S.2015 which says it will clear titles to foreclosed properties, but is really an attempt by banksters…
Cryptoparty, Wednesday, 6-9pm (November 23, 2015)
The next Somerville cryptoparty will be this Wednesday, November 25th. It will be from 6-9pm at Parts and Crafts, 577 Somerville Ave, Somerville,…
Tomorrow: Surveillance Talk at Boston Anarchist Bookfair, Sat., 1pm (November 20, 2015)
Quartermaster Steve will also give a talk called “The surveillance state and what to do about it” at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday. It…
2nd Campaign Meeting a Success, 3rd on 12/6 (November 20, 2015)
Our second 2016 campaign meeting was Sunday. We laid out a general strategy for the next two months and came up with some draft…
Boston Anarchist Bookfair This Weekend (November 19, 2015)
We will be tabling at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, this weekend (Nov. 21 & 22), and want your help. We will tell people about the…
If you want peace, prepare for peace (November 19, 2015)
Statement from the French Pirate Party on the attacks in Paris on Friday the 13th: Si vis pacem, para pacem. Based on the…
Campaign Planning Meeting This Sunday (November 13, 2015)
Our second 2016 campaign meeting is this Sunday. We will choose our goals and figure out how to make them a reality. How…