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Pirate News: Upward! (October 10, 2022)
Steve, Joe and James discuss the results from our party conference, what is going on with the Pirate Party, and our thoughts on…
Oct. 8 Conference Video and Minutes Are Up (October 9, 2022)
We posted a recording of the Speakers portion of our 10/08/2022 party conference as well as the meeting minutes. Each of the embedded…
2022 Conference Starts Now (October 8, 2022)
Our annual party conference is on-line now until 5pm. The conference will focus on party planning for the 2023 local elections and other…
Our XR Boston Protest Videos (October 6, 2022)
Our annual party conference is this Saturday, October 8th on-line from noon to 5pm. Registration is free. Register in advance to get the…
Join our Pirate Council! (October 4, 2022)
We are electing our Pirate Council in November. Positions include Captain, First Officer, Quartermaster, PR/Media Director, Activism Director, Swarmwise Director, Web/Info Director, three Arbitrators and…
Pirate News Catch Up (October 3, 2022)
We didn’t record a Pirate News live stream Sunday night, so here are two recent episodes we did not place post here. Reminder…
10/8 Conference Schedule Up (October 2, 2022)
Our annual party conference will be Saturday, October 8th on-line from noon to 5pm. Registration is free. Register in advance to get the…
The Challenges to Municipal Broadband (September 27, 2022)
Captain James discussed the need for municipal broadband in Somerville and how he is working with Mass Mesh and the Mesh Boston Network…
Pirate News: Question 1 and XRBoston’s Week of Rebellion (September 26, 2022)
In the latest Pirate News, Steve, Joe and James discuss our upcoming party conference, why we support Question 1, Extinction Rebellion’s Boston-area protests,…
Join us for the Stop Burning Down the House march tomorrow (September 23, 2022)
Join us this Saturday, September 24th as part of Extinction Rebellion Boston Stop Burning Down the House march and party. Our planet continues…