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IRC meeting moved to Tuesday (July 4, 2016)
Due to the holiday, the IRC meeting will be Tuesday, July 5th, 9-10pm and not tonight.
Sunday Tell GE: Stop polluting our water! (July 1, 2016)
The Massachusetts Pirate Party stands with the protesters who want to send a clear message to General Electric: stop polluting our water! For…
Urge MA House to vote on GMO labeling (July 1, 2016)
Our support for transparency is a cornerstone of the Pirate Party and the reason we support labeling GMOs in food. The Massachusetts House…
#PirateCon2016: Thanks and welcome new Pirate Council! (June 30, 2016)
Thanks to everyone who participated in Pirate Con 2016 last Saturday! A big thank you to Aaron James for kicking off the conference,…
PirateCon 2016 is TOMORROW (June 24, 2016)
PirateCon 2016 is tomorrow Saturday, June 25th. We have a lot of great speakers and discussion and will be live streaming the audio from it. …
Thanks for the 2016 Pride Parade! (June 23, 2016)
A belated thank you for the pirates who marched with us in the Boston Pride Parade this year, to the organizers of the…
PirateCon is Saturday! (June 21, 2016)
PirateCon 2016 is this Saturday, June 25th. It starts at 10am and ends at 6pm. It will be in the Tent City Community Room, 130 Dartmouth…
Aaron James Campaign Policy Kickoff (June 20, 2016)
On June 14th, the Aaron James Campaign held a policy kickoff event at the Somerville Armory. You can listen to the event below,…
Lead the Pirates! (June 20, 2016)
At PirateCon 2016 on Saturday, we will hold our yearly leadership elections. Up for election are Captain, First Officer, Quartermaster, PR/Media Director, Activism…
PirateCon 2016 is only a week away (June 18, 2016)
PirateCon 2016 is only a week away. It will be Saturday, June 25th at the Tent City Community Room, 130 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA…