by jokeefe January 7, 2016 Elections Main Topic Organizing Out And About Thanks for 2015! On to 2016! (January 7, 2016) Thanks to everyone who helped in 2015. On the first, we had a fun 10th birthday party for the first Pirate Party, the…
by Steve R December 18, 2015 Out And About Secrecy Birthday Vigil for Chelsea Manning (December 18, 2015) Where: Park Street Station on the Boston Common When: 1:00-2:00 PM Saturday, December 19 Imprisoned in 2010 and held for months under torturous…
by jokeefe December 16, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Privacy Security Crypto Party, Wed., 12/30, 6-9pm (December 16, 2015) There is a Somerville Crypto Party on Wednesday, December 30th. It will be from 6-9pm at Parts and Crafts, 577 Somerville Ave, Somerville,…
by jokeefe December 15, 2015 Free Software Freedom of Speech Main Topic Out And About Transparency Upcoming Events: Free Software, Manning B-day & Planning (December 15, 2015) There are three upcoming events this week we will be at. FSF’s 2015 Giving Guide Giveaway, Wed., 12/16, 6pm The Free Software Foundation…
by masspirates November 25, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Tonight’s Cryptoparty is canceled (November 25, 2015) The Somerville cryptoparty scheduled for tonight has been canceled due to illness. Keep an eye out here or at for when the next one will…
by jokeefe November 23, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Cryptoparty, Wednesday, 6-9pm (November 23, 2015) The next Somerville cryptoparty will be this Wednesday, November 25th. It will be from 6-9pm at Parts and Crafts, 577 Somerville Ave, Somerville,…
by jokeefe November 20, 2015 Main Topic Out And About Privacy Tomorrow: Surveillance Talk at Boston Anarchist Bookfair, Sat., 1pm (November 20, 2015) Quartermaster Steve will also give a talk called “The surveillance state and what to do about it” at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday. It…
by jokeefe November 19, 2015 Main Topic Out And About Privacy Boston Anarchist Bookfair This Weekend (November 19, 2015) We will be tabling at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, this weekend (Nov. 21 & 22), and want your help. We will tell people about the…
by jokeefe November 12, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Privacy Somerville Cryptoparty, Nov. 25, 6-9pm (November 12, 2015) Our discussion about the future of the Internet was well attended and lively. How to ensure privacy and decentralization were prominent topics. The…
by jokeefe November 6, 2015 Cryptoparty Main Topic Join us at the Anarchist Bookfair (November 6, 2015) We will be tabling at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, Nov. 21 & 22, and want your help. It will be at the Boston University George…