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Freedom Rally, This Weekend (September 24, 2015)
We’re there every year because it’s a great time and a good opportunity to meet activists (aka future pirates!) We will be tabling…
Support H.3242: Label GMOs (September 24, 2015)
On Tuesday, in addition to testifying against subsidizing video game companies, I also gave the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Environment,…
Round table discussion with Cory Doctorow, 10/13 (September 23, 2015)
On Tuesday, October 13th, Cory Doctorow will be participating in a round table discussion: “The Remote-Controlled Society”. It is sponsored by Suffolk University…
Oppose H.2487: No subsidies for video game companies (September 22, 2015)
Today, I will give the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Revenue at the State House in Hearing Room A-1. Thanks to…
Congratulations to the Kilton Public Library (September 17, 2015)
Congratulations to the Kilton Public Library for voting to restart their Tor node! The Lebanon, New Hampshire library started a Tor node in…
Now is the time to make your voice heard about GMO labeling. (September 15, 2015)
First the Pirates brought you the why, now we bring you the how, as in how to act on this important issue. September…
Video of Rick Falkvinge’s PirateCon 2015 talk is available (September 14, 2015)
Rick Falkvinge gave PirateCon 2015’s closing talk on Pirate Strategy. The video is available: We are looking for people to help format, clean…
State House Bills: What’s your opinion? (September 12, 2015)
There are a number of bills we considering supporting or opposing, and what your opinions on them. If you know of any bills…
DHS censors Tor node at public library (September 12, 2015)
The Kilton Public Library in Lebanon, New Hampshire started running a Tor exit node in July as a pilot project by the Library…
Backdoors are backdoors, even when they belong to the TSA (September 11, 2015)
3D printers are useful devices, and I’ve seen people make some extremely cool things with them. Today, I read about a 3D printer…