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Cryptoparty this Wednesday, July 22nd, Somerville (July 21, 2015)
Halley Murray, our PR/Media Director, will again run a cryptoparty in Somerville this Wednesday, July 22nd. It will be from 6-9pm at Parts and…
Help improve our public records laws today (July 21, 2015)
Massachusetts took a step closer to improving its public records law when the Judiciary Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight reported…
David and Goliath Hackathon: Thanks! (July 21, 2015)
Thanks to everyone who participated in the MAAPL hackathon. It was great to see eleven people turn out to help restore dignity and…
David and Goliath Hackathon: Fight against Predatory Lending, Sat., 7/18, 11am-2pm, Stone Soup Worcester (July 14, 2015)
Event: The David and Goliath Hackathon: Fight against Predatory Lending For: MAAPL ,The Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending Who: Anybody with Computer Word…
Amazon, the ALA, and the Pay-Per-Page Model (July 12, 2015)
Amazon recently announced a new business model for ebooks. Essentially, they’re planning to sell books by the page. It’s an interesting business model,…
Tech Hackathon/Skillshare, July 11th (July 6, 2015)
We will hold a tech hackathon/skillshare on Saturday, July 11th from 10am to 1pm. It will focus on teaching supporters to use CiviCRM,…
IRC meetings moving to Mondays, 9-10pm (July 2, 2015)
To better accommodate the schedule of Pirate Council members we are moving the IRC meetings to Mondays, 9-10pm. We will not have a…
You can now register to vote on-line (June 30, 2015)
Massachusetts is now the 21st state that allow you to register to vote on-line. If you aren’t registered to vote or want to…
Fast Track Passes, Work to Stop the TPP (June 29, 2015)
Unfortunately the Senate voted to give the president fast track trade authority for six years. While the Massachusetts delegation voted against it, not…
Olympics Feedback Wanted (June 29, 2015)
Back in March we asked for opinions on the bid to host the Olympics in Boston. We got some feedback and have continued…