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At the flick of a … what? (March 22, 2015)
A friend recently showed me a press release from the House Judiciary Committee, titled “at the flick of a switch“. The press release…
The Internal Panetta Review: Still a secret (March 16, 2015)
One of last year’s prominent stories was a Senate subcommittee investigation into allegations of CIA torture. A Guardian article mentioned a document called…
Worcester Cryptoparty – March 22nd (March 11, 2015)
The Massachusetts Pirate Party’s next cryptoparty is Sunday March 22nd, from 2pm-4pm at the Worcester Public Library, 3 Salem Street, Worcester, MA 01608.…
Your Voice: Boston Olympics (March 11, 2015)
We have had some interesting discussions on IRC about Boston’s bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics. Some of us point to the…
The Stingray: Another Fine Product from Harris Corporation (March 9, 2015)
The Stingray: Another Fine Product from Harris Corporation During the last few months, we’ve started to learn more about IMSI catchers, more commonly…
Cancelled: Boston Peace Parade This Sunday (March 9, 2015)
UPDATE: Sadly, this year’s Peace Parade has been cancelled 🙁 This Sunday, the 15th, forty organizations and thousands of marchers are expected to…
Mass Pirates Endorse “We the People Act” (March 7, 2015)
(Updated (Oct 18th 2015): we have since withdrawn support for the We The People Act.) Dollars are not votes. Last fall, the Massachusetts…
The Pirate Council Needs You! (February 28, 2015)
We announced that we are looking for people to be on the Pirate Council and that we will hold elections for the Pirate…
3-2 for Net Neutrality, and this is a Good Thing (February 27, 2015)
With yesterday’s FCC ruling, broadband providers are now classified as Title II common carriers. This is a Good Thing. To understand the importance…
Steve Revilak runs for Arlington Town Meeting (February 27, 2015)
Steve Revilak, long time activist as well as our quartermaster and champion FOIA submitter, will be running for Arlington town meeting on March…