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What Free Market? (June 23, 2014)
The oligarchy’s trend in the 21st century is moving away from attempting to influence democracy by influencing voters, to constantly attempting (and often…
This Sat. march with us in the Boston Pride Parade! (June 11, 2014)
UPDATE: Our lineup position is G23, which is at 800 Boylston Street. It should be near the Prudential Center Plaza which is to the…
Social & Platform Discussion, June 21st (June 6, 2014)
Our next social / platform discussion will be on Saturday, June 21st from 2-4pm. We will be at the Pizzeria Regina, 353 Cambridge…
Today’s IRC Meeting moved to Sunday, 9pm (June 5, 2014)
Due to today’s Reset the Net event, we are moving today’s 9-10pm IRC meeting to this Sunday, June 8th at 9pm. To get…
On-Line Voter Registration is Law! (June 4, 2014)
On May 22nd, the Governor Patrick signed a bill that brings voting into the 21st century. The law allows voters to register to vote…
March with us at the Pride Parade, June 14th (June 3, 2014)
On Saturday, June 14th, we will march in the Boston LBGT Pride Parade. This is our third year marching in it. Joe & Noelani,…
Join us This Thursday, and Reset the Net (June 1, 2014)
On June 5th 2013, Guardian published the first of the Edward Snowden-leaked documents, a National Security letter that compelled Verizon to produce copies…
A Good Weekend (May 27, 2014)
It was a busy weekend, but a good weekend. Members of the Massachusetts Pirate Party took part in three events: the March Against…
Massachusetts Pirate Party Fields First Two Candidates (May 22, 2014)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Massachusetts Pirate Party Fields First Two Candidates Boston, MA — May 22nd, 2014 – Noelani Kamelamela and Joseph Guertin, the…
Noelani & Joe are Ballot Bound! (May 16, 2014)
Our State Rep. candidates, Joseph Guertin and Noelani Kamelamela will be on the November ballot! Both candidates and their campaign supporters worked hard…