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Join us on Mastodon (November 5, 2022)
We talked about Elon Musk buying Twitter at our last pirate news and after that discussion it just made sense to finally join…
Correction: Early Voting Ends Today (November 4, 2022)
This election, you can vote by mail, early in-person, and on election day. Early voting has already started, but it ends today, November 4th, not Thursday,…
Early Voting Ends Thursday (November 3, 2022)
This election, you can vote by mail, early in-person, and on election day. Early voting has already started and ends this Thursday, November 4th. The Commonwealth’s…
Pirate Council Nominations Close Next Week (November 1, 2022)
We are electing our Pirate Council in November. Positions include Captain, First Officer, Quartermaster, PR/Media Director, Activism Director, Swarmwise Director, Web/Info Director, three Arbitrators and…
Pirate News: Keeping Watch! (October 31, 2022)
Steve and James discuss what is going on with the Pirate Party, and our thoughts Big Telecom’s recent subsidy fraud and Twitter going…
Pirate News: Biden Long on Cryptocurrencies (October 30, 2022)
In this Pirate News, Joe, James and Steve ran through the what is going on the Pirate Party as well as news in-person…
Register to vote by EOD Today (October 29, 2022)
If you haven’t registered to vote, you need to do so by 11:59pm today, Saturday, October 29th. You can register to vote online…
Table at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair (October 26, 2022)
Update: We were not assigned a table this year, unfortunately. Do stop by when you can and check out the live streamed…
Help Lead the Pirate Party! (October 24, 2022)
We are electing our Pirate Council in November. Positions include Captain, First Officer, Quartermaster, PR/Media Director, Activism Director, Swarmwise Director, Web/Info Director, three Arbitrators and…
Meetings Update (October 11, 2022)
At Saturday’s conference, we discussed how the IRC meetings are going. seems to be permanently down and while our IRC channel seems stable for…