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Somerville Cryptoparty is Wednesday at The Sprouts (October 23, 2016)
The monthly Somerville Cryptoparty is this 6-9pm this Wednesday (always the last Wednesday of the month). It has moved to The Sprouts at…
Aaron James will be on the Young Jurks tonight (October 22, 2016)
Aaron James, our candidate for State Representative in the 27th Middlesex, will be once again be a guest on “The Young Jurks” live…
Learn to protect your privacy this Saturday or Wednesday (October 21, 2016)
There will be two cryptoparties this week that will be good opportunities to learn to protect your privacy online: Boston Public Library cryptoparty on…
Ballot Questions Endorsements (October 20, 2016)
Thanks to everyone who voted in our ballot questions poll. Based on your votes, our endorsements are: Question 1 – Allow the Gaming Commission…
Don’t be John. Encrypt your email (October 8, 2016)
This is John. He didn’t encrypt the text of his email using GnuPGP. He didn’t insist that all of the email sent to him…
Rock Against the TPP Concert Tonight (October 7, 2016)
Fight for the Future’s Rock Against the TPP Concert is tonight. The concert features: Mirah, Debo Band, Taina Asili y La Banda Rebelde, Foundation…
Rock Against the TPP Concert is Friday (October 5, 2016)
Fight for the Future’s Rock Against the TPP Concert is this Friday, October 7th. It will be a wonderful opportunity to get attention…
Register to Vote by October 19th (October 3, 2016)
If you want to vote in the November 8th election, and we encourage you to do so, you have to register by October…
Celebrate Wikileaks’ Birthday Tuesday (October 2, 2016)
October 4th will be Wikileaks’ 10th birthday and we will celebrate it. Please tell us if you will be attending. We will meet…
Rock Against the TPP Concert, October 7th, Boston (September 19, 2016)
We have long opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). These agreements would…