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#PanamaPapers, Anti-GE Subsidy Rally and Pirate Candidates (April 4, 2016)
In the World Yesterday, the Panama Papers, 2.6 terabytes of details of secret bank accounts of some of the wealthiest in the world,…
US Customs & Border Protection Body Camera Feasibility Study (April 3, 2016)
Last fall, I came across an article titled “US border patrol staff reject body cameras, citing cost and terrain“. This article opens with…
Amusing Stuff that winds up in our Mailbox (April 2, 2016)
As the Pirate Quartermaster, one of my rituals is making a weekly trip to Davis Square to check our PO Box. Occassionally we…
This Monday: No Tax Dollars for GE! (April 1, 2016)
On April 4th, the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Gov. Baker and Mayor Walsh are welcoming military manufacturer General…
No Taunton Cryptoparty This Sat., Wed. In Somerville Still On (March 24, 2016)
The cryptoparty scheduled for this Saturday at the South Coast Innovator Labs in Taunton was postponed. We hope to have a new date…
Support Fight for the Future’s #SaveSecurity Campaign (March 21, 2016)
We are proud to support Fight for the Future’s #SaveSecurity campaign and urge you to add your voice to this campaign. The FBI…
Tonight: Stop DRM in HTML, Cambridge (March 20, 2016)
Today from 6:45pm to 7:30pm we will participate in a rally with the FSF, Defective by Design, and other anti-DRM groups to tell…
No Taxpayer Giveaways to Video Game Makers This Year! (March 17, 2016)
H.2487 and H.2606, which would have extended the film tax credit to video game companies, is dead. The Massachusetts Joint Committee on Revenue voted to…
PirateCon 2016 will be June 25th (March 16, 2016)
We put out a questionnaire to decide the date for PirateCon 2016 and its focus. Based on the results, we chose Saturday, June…
Wednesday: Stop the DARK Act in the Senate! (March 15, 2016)
H.R. 1599 (nicknamed the DARK Act because it would Deny Consumers the Right to Know) passed the U.S. House of Representatives last summer and…