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Winter 2015 Newsletter Available (December 16, 2015)
Our Winter 2015 newsletter is available for download (PDF). Thanks to Kendra for putting it together and for everyone who submitted articles for…
Looking for people to edit PirateCon 2015 Videos (December 15, 2015)
We have a bunch of videos we took of PirateCon 2015 that could stand to be cleaned up and posted to our YouTube channel. The…
Upcoming Events: Free Software, Manning B-day & Planning (December 15, 2015)
There are three upcoming events this week we will be at. FSF’s 2015 Giving Guide Giveaway, Wed., 12/16, 6pm The Free Software Foundation…
Sen. McConnell vs the IRS on strong encryption (December 10, 2015)
A few weeks ago, the IRS began publishing a set of Security Awareness Tax Tips; they’ve also come out with Publication 4524, “Security…
CISA Just Getting Worse (December 8, 2015)
Leaders in Congress are looking to expand CISA, the Cyber Information Sharing Act, far beyond the awful bill it already is. They are pulling what…
New Cyber Information Sharing Act (CISA) likely to be worse. Stop it! (December 5, 2015)
The House and Senate Intelligence committees are working a version of CISA, the Cyber Information Sharing Act, that is even worse: We have…
Campaign Planning Meeting This Sunday (December 2, 2015)
Our third 2016 campaign meeting is this Sunday, the 6th. The notes of our two previous meetings are up. If you want to…
Governor and legislature side with banksters over families (December 1, 2015)
Governor Baker signed S.2015 and chose to take away the property rights of people who have been illegally foreclosed on. Advocates of S.2015…
Petition: No Giveaways To Video Game Makers! (November 30, 2015)
We started a petition to oppose the expansion of Massachusetts’ film tax credits to video game companies. Rhode Island lost $75 million backing…
If we don’t fix the climate, Beacon Hill will be an island (November 29, 2015)
As Boston’s Climate March turned left and headed up Beacon Hill, a woman to my left improvised a marching chant: “If we don’t…