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Talk with other pirates (September 8, 2015)
Besides our weekly IRC meetings, and out IRC channel, we discuss our plans on a number of email lists. If you want to…
Somerville Cryptoparty, Wed., Sep. 30, 6-9pm (September 5, 2015)
The August 26th cryptoparty in Somerville was a success. Lotsa folks turned out to learn how to install and use I2P and other…
Call Your State Senator: No on S.1981 (September 4, 2015)
We have been working with the Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) to create a system to help people who have been foreclosed…
Join the Massachusetts Pirate Party in supporting GMO labelling bill H. 3242 (August 28, 2015)
We here at MPP would like to invite you all to join us at a public hearing this coming September 22 before the…
Call for Fall 2015 Newsletter Submissions (August 10, 2015)
We are starting a quarterly newsletter and would like your submissions. If you have any news articles or links to share for a…
Somerville Cryptoparty, Wed., Aug. 26, 6-9pm (August 7, 2015)
There will be a cryptoparty in Somerville on Wednesday, August 26th. It will be from 6-9pm at Parts and Crafts, 577 Somerville Ave,…
Join us for our 6th year at Freedom Rally (August 6, 2015)
We’re there every year because it’s a great time and a good opportunity to meet activists (aka…
Senate voting on CISA today. Tell Warren & Markey to vote no! (August 5, 2015)
Using the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hack as an excuse, Congress is trying to ram through CISA, a new network security bill…
Game Over, Boston 2024 (July 28, 2015)
Today’s Boston Globe was covered with the headline “GAME OVER”. It’s official, Boston 2024 is dead in the water. Financial backing was the…
Pirate Picnic, Aug. 2nd, Georges Island (July 22, 2015)
The annual Pirate Picnic will be Sunday, August 2nd, on Georges Island in Boston Harbor. It is our annual strategy social. It is…