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Thanks! (May 13, 2014)
Thanks to all who attended our 4th anniversary party and especially to those who made it happen. We were able to raise over…
4th Anniversary Party Tonight (May 9, 2014)
Our 4th anniversary party is tonight, Friday, May 9th. It will be at the Democracy Center, 45 Mt Auburn St., Harvard Square, Cambridge,…
Support Innovation: Keep Net Neutrality! (May 8, 2014)
The FCC is a week away from deciding to kill net neutrality by allowing ISPs to create fast lanes for favored companies and slow lanes for…
Cryptoparty, Sunday, May 18th (May 3, 2014)
We are helping the Together Boston Music Festival and General Assembly put on a cryptoparty in South Boston. It will be from noon…
Our 4th Anniversary Party is a Week Away (May 2, 2014)
Our 4th anniversary party is the evening of Friday, May 9th. It will be at the Democracy Center, 45 Mt Auburn St., Harvard…
Support International Day Against DRM this Tuesday (May 1, 2014)
International Day Against DRM is this Tuesday, May 6th. We have endorsed this day of action and urge you to support it as…
Noe will be on the ballot, lets make sure Joe is too! (April 25, 2014)
After the latest pick up from Somerville city hall, we know that Noelani has 168 valid signatures. She easily crosses the 150 voter…
Security Theater at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (April 22, 2014)
A week or two ago, I attended an event at the Boston Conference and Exhibition Center (BCEC). The BCEC had a series of…
$2 billion for JOBS, not JAILS! (April 22, 2014)
There’s a very important event happening this weekend: the Jobs Not Jails rally, which is taking place Saturday, April 26th, 1pm on Boston…
Pirates: Discovering the Planet (April 22, 2014)
Dear Pirates of US; I am a self-funded independent scientist and working as an Asst.Prof (holding a PhD in Informatics under Journalism) near…